I was warned about you when I was a kid, "No strays, they might be pregnant." But, I was older now and knew better -- this was advice from parents that never happens -- an old wives tale. But it does happen, you are the proof.
We were there when you dunked your nose trying to get your first drink of water, and when you took your first breath. I could see you when you couldn't see me. I watched over you, and Brigette slept near you. You went from a 3-roll-of-duct-tape cardboard box with 6 inch walls Brigette spent 4 hours on the floor making to 6 foot high pseudo-fencing some of you could still climb over. You terrorized the pugs by licking their face -- overwhelming them with your licks and kisses.

There were times you fought, or didn't make it outside, or charged through the baby gates and barricades, not for food or a cat, but instead simply to get some affection And, while not pleasant, we stayed calm, after all, it was our fault not your's.
We spent hours fighting craigslist flaggers, people who think they are the Internet Animal Control, and that we didn't need to use their site to find you homes. But, we would repost and repost and repost, asking for pity, asking for help, asking them to stop blocking our posts -- they meant well, but this all started with a starving dog, we didn't know it would add up to 9 more.

Your mom was very sick and hungry when we found her -- so hungry I took pictures in case she died the day after we brought her home -- so we had proof of the starvation and so someone might be punished for the cruelty your momma endured. And yet, you all came out healthy.
Brigette made your mom cooked food and we fed her slowly at first. It took 5 days for her to wag her tail or even lift her head to my hand for a pet. After a month, she gained some weight, but it didn't look right -- little did we know that was you.
To prepare for you, we read books and asked for advice. We made a crash-kit in case there were any problems. When you came out, two of you hemorrhaged from your cords, but I pinched it off and tied it shut. Boy was it a mess, piles of down feathers everywhere, and no doctor in case things got complicated.

We tried so hard.
We wanted to make sure you were a good thing for this world and not just more trouble.
We gave you away for free, not because you weren't worth something, but instead because we knew you were priceless and couldn't be handed to whomever was willing to pay. Some of your new people offered a donation and we accepted, but it wasn't required.
Your new owners were very hard to find. But, they all seem like they would be good friends to us, so I'm sure they will be great friends for you too.
We tried because we knew what happened to you those first few months could really have lifelong impacts.
We tried because we now know raising dogs is passed down from parents to children. Plus, having dogs as kids was one of the best parts of life, so if we could make you better dogs it was all worth it.

I'm sure we made some mistakes, but I also know you will be the greatest version of man's best friend we could pull off. Maybe you would have turned out the same if we hadn't been there, or hadn't given you so much energy -- but we'll never know, that wasn't a risk I was willing to take.
Your new people did us a favor by offering up their homes to these unknown dogs, but I think they knew we also spent 4 months (more or less) feeding, playing, cleaning, and caring for you.
While we loved you while you were with us, only a home with a new family could provide the time and attention you deserve. We miss you much, but we also know you are a kind of hand crafted gift from us to strangers. Make us proud and do no harm to anyone.
If dogs are man's best friend, you will become some of the best friends known to man -- I'm sure of it.
Be careful of cars and don't eat any stinky fish you might find -- it will make you sick.
1 comment:
Thanks for all your amazing effort and dedication--Hazel and the pups are incredibly lucky to have fallen into your hands.
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